Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Volunteer Park

Located only a few blocks from our apartment, Volunteer Park is a 48.3 acre Olmsted creation. It is a beautiful public space with an almost 100-year old conservatory featuring an assortment of exotic plants from around the world. I was in a bit of a cold/flu haze the first time I strolled through but there really is nothing like lush green and sunshine to pick up your spirits.
Rumour has it that at night the park becomes a seedy pick-up place for anonymous sex (I have no idea if there is any truth to that) but during the day it's an idyllic site for a leisurely promenade.

btw- It's called "Volunteer" park in dedication to the volunteers who went to fight in the Spanish-American War. Unfortunate, as I strongly resent America's participation in that war (it signals to me the beginning of America's appropriation of Cuba).


Paula said...

That is a really beautiful park. How nice that you can go there easily from your place to unwind and reflect once in a while. The weather is looking good over there- looks like spring is approaching!

Rachel said...

Yes and I haven't even fully explored it. There is an amazing Asian Art Museum in that park too. I think Mallar and I will go this weekend.

Today, however, everything is covered in snow! We woke up to a blanket of white.

Joey Veltkamp said...

Rachel -- I love your blog. Email (joeyveltkamp@gmail.com) me if you get a chance. Would be fun to hear more about your and Mallor's advenures in Seattle.