Friday, December 4, 2009

"Art as Therapy"

This month, the Triangle Art Gallery features an exhibit called "Art as Therapy". I helped organize the opening reception last night and was really happy to see how many people came to show their support. The show features work from Seattle-area teens that have been guided through therapeutic art practice at local Neighborcare Health centers. These brave kids have been grappling with difficult issues; some coping with serious life circumstances (substance abuse, HIV, family tragedy...).

Social workers at the Teen Health centers have introduced art as a potent means of expression. The collection of work is very... well, "raw" would be an apt description. The art pieces are mostly honest "first drafts" based on a reflective exercise -some speak to the conflicting range of emotions manifest in one moment's time, others tell a longer story. I had the privilege of seeing some of these art workshops in process a few weeks ago.

Due to the personal nature of the pieces, not all of the artists wanted to be identified by name. In an effort to let them know that their efforts are supported and worthwhile, however, gallery attendees left messages on large pieces of white butcher block paper spread out on tables in the middle of the room.

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