Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Last night I attended my final Michael Jackson dance class for the crowd-pleasing Thriller choreography. The 4-week course also covered Beat It, The Way You Make Me Feel, and Bad. The MJ class is another one of Century Ballroom's offerings (I took the Beyoncé Single Ladies class with them as well). I have to say that I love the idea of tribute-style dance classes. I only wish that Century Ballroom would limit the number of participants attending any one session. It's rather annoying to always be struggling to see the demos and to have to restrain arm movements lest a neighboring someone loses an eye. It's also rather fast learning too. Basically we are learning each choreography in one hour and a half sessions.
I am realizing some interesting things about my learning style/preferences as I take these kinds of courses. My dance background is really informal -so while I have devised or been a part of numerous choreographies in my younger years (and even as a teacher, actually -lol) I don't count the same way as formal dancers do. Learning steps for me has always been to the music. You know, "so let's do the running man until this lyric/beat/break and then into the jazz splits...". The moves were always cued with music. Learning these choreographies to counts of 8 and in different tempos is really foreign to me. I feel as though when it comes to body movements (sports as well as dance) I am much more holistic in the way I learn. I guess I am a "right brain" dancer. lol.
For kicks and giggles -here is a group of prison inmates in the Philippines doing Thriller:

1 comment:

Paula said...

Im so envious!! I would have loved to be have been part of such a class.